HIV in the workplace


I have been missing you women! I have been absent, but not gone. I get excited each time my email tells me one of my sisters has written a new blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been sharing my voice. Updates...

Submitted on: May 10, 2012

There is a Facebook friend of mine who is a tattoo artist and hugely popular because of his high-profile clients. Out of the blue, I wanted to tattoo Lord Krishna on my arm and the emblem at the back...

Submitted on: Apr 5, 2012

I applaud and celebrate "showing our faces", especially when I've kept mine hidden for over 20 years. But this feat did not come easily and the floorplan was carefully set. I did take many precautions...

Submitted on: Jan 29, 2011

I have lived with HIV for twenty-five years. HIV is a pronouncement, a judgement of one's life. It is a disease like cancer, parkinson's, multiple schlerosis, and many other long-term chronic and...

Submitted on: Jan 18, 2011

I often read the blogs where women have found empowerment by revealing their status and becoming involved as AIDS activists. I admire all of you who are so honest. The mere thought of sharing mine...

Submitted on: Nov 17, 2010

Sometimes I feel trapped; trapped in my career, my marriage and even my body.   My career: I discovered my positive status while I was at work, so everyone knows. By everyone, I mean the other two...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2010

We had yet another birthday party in the office. Once again, I was assigned plates, napkins and forks. I really do believe that my coworkers are afraid of the fact that I have HIV and do not want to...

Submitted on: Feb 1, 2010

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