HIV support


First and foremost, I would like to say that my team did a phenomenal job in organizing and hosting this workshop, and I am extremely proud to work for such a prestigious agency that is doing such...

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2020

Yesterday as we celebrated World AIDS Day, I reflected a little bit on my own journey of having HIV living with me. I have been HIV positive for 5 years. I have been undetectable since I began...

Submitted on: Dec 2, 2020

It is 1 December, WORLD AIDS DAY, and this year's theme is "Global solidarity, resilient services". The world has known a rough year because of covid-19. And this has sometimes made us forget about...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2020

You know life can be so heart-wrenching difficult. In my most recent days I've had to look at life from a new lens.

Submitted on: Nov 16, 2020

My Fears, Loss, and Anxiety of Facing Two Pandemics and the Triggers Many of Us Have Been Facing From the Early Days of HIV and AIDS

Submitted on: Oct 19, 2020

It's been awhile since I've put my words together for you to read! Covid has really put a damper on things and stripped me of my desire to do anything.

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2020

Can we just talk about The Well Project for a moment?

Submitted on: Aug 20, 2020
Heather O'Connor in hospital bed, smiling, holding newborn baby on her chest.

The Well Project asked A Girl Like Me blogger Heather O'Connor about breastfeeding as a woman living with HIV in the United States.

Submitted on: Aug 18, 2020

It's been a while since I've written anything. I've just been so caught up with life these last four months, just like I'm sure you all have been as well. I count my blessings every day knowing that...

Submitted on: Jul 23, 2020

To you, all my Amazons! You impact lives and motivate others around you; you all are awesome! Attending different sessions of this series has impacted me in every area of my life during this trying...

Submitted on: Jul 22, 2020

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