HIV stigma


This is a grim reality for Black Trans women; that we may not live to see the end of the day. We receive attention (good and bad), but when it is bad, it can be deadly.

Submitted on: Mar 15, 2017

Women and girls who are living with HIV/AIDS wear many hats. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, caretakers, friends–and the many hats can go on and on. National Women and Girls HIV...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2017

When a person gets an HIV diagnosis many people in society think that the positive person should either abstain from sexual activities or only date other positive individuals.

Submitted on: Feb 21, 2017

I see, I was offered a place to stay to get things going in a favorable direction. After some time of living under the same roof and eating out often together, Sex came into play. At that moment I was...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2017

On 12/31/1993 I was called to draw blood from an IV drug user with AIDS. I did not pause for a second going in to draw her blood.

Submitted on: Jan 27, 2017

What more can I say? When I step into the room, I hear the whispers. I hope she is not going to talk about HIV/AIDS or ask me if I've been tested!

Submitted on: Jan 13, 2017

Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR… I’m Janelle Luster born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, 24 years old, I was diagnosed in March of 2012.

Submitted on: Jan 5, 2017

I read several blogs this week reminding me: not everyone has to or can be at the front. Those of us who like to work behind the scenes are actually very productive in our communities given we love what we do.

Submitted on: Jan 3, 2017

To live with HIV is to live differently. Although many believe that one can lead a "normal" life being in treatment.

Submitted on: Nov 22, 2016

I don't have a private life anymore!!! The day I got my HIV diagnosis, I knew the private life I was used to maintaining would be difficult and darn near impossible to maintain. I decided to tell my truth so that others would not have to know my pain.

Submitted on: Nov 16, 2016

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