HIV stigma


I love being a woman! At this age and with all I've lived and learned, I love being a woman more and more!

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2021

Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD), a very important day for us women living with the human condition of HIV.

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2021

The hardest war ever fought is against self. That's all in the book. If it wasn't for AIDS, where would I be?

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2021

Dear Advocate, 2021, so far, has been a year of focusing on me and choosing me above all else. Too often I have dimmed my light and emptied my cup for the needs of others.

Submitted on: Feb 26, 2021

resilient: (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching or being compressed.

Submitted on: Feb 25, 2021

Given that we are in February, which is not only Black History month but also the month of LOVE, I felt compelled to share this message with y'all.

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2021
Three pictures, side by side, of Destiny Smith's face.

The Well Project interviews Destiny Smith, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

Submitted on: Feb 19, 2021

According to the CDC, in 2018, Black/African American people accounted for 13% of the US population but 42% (16,002) of the 37,968 new HIV diagnoses in the United States and dependent areas.

Submitted on: Feb 6, 2021

Those who have been following The Well Project know that it was founded by a woman, run by a team of women, for women worldwide. Its motto also reads: "Together, we can change the course of epidemic -...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2021

I remember fond memories of Christmas in the days of my youth, watching all of the classics like Rudolph, Frosty, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas Special, etc. on tv every year...

Submitted on: Jan 15, 2021

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