HIV fatigue


Have you ever battled with HIV fatigue and/or depression and felt very alone in your own sadness? A particular scene appeared in front of my vision: I was sitting behind my friend Karuna on her...

Submitted on: Jul 13, 2021

Hi ladies, it's been a long while since I've checked in or written on my blog. Life's been busy, a lot of things have changed for me. Things I thought I would never see. I was 18 when I was diagnosed...

Submitted on: May 4, 2021

You know life can be so heart-wrenching difficult. In my most recent days I've had to look at life from a new lens.

Submitted on: Nov 16, 2020

On the morning of May 16th, 2016 - the first appointment with my primary care physician, I vividly recall waking up overwhelmed with new and refreshing feelings of hope. I stepped out of bed with hope...

Submitted on: Jul 6, 2020

Hey all! Firstly- let me just say that I am so incredibly grateful to be part of such a strong and supportive group of women... thank you so much for having me here.

Submitted on: May 11, 2020

I forget to cry sometimes. I forget how. Is it really forgetting if I shove it from my mind?

Submitted on: May 4, 2020

As a new member of A Girl Like Me, my intention of joining this group was to begin sharing the story of my HIV diagnosis, how I advocated for myself and my daughter during my first pregnancy, and how I'm advocating for my current pregnancy.

Submitted on: Apr 20, 2020

I am devastatingly tired. Today it is a weight pressing on my spirit. It is almost as if it's the only emotion I have room for.

Submitted on: Dec 12, 2019

I remember the first 10 minutes after I hit upload from my phone to tell the whole world of YouTube that I had been living with HIV. I was so nervous, happy, scared and free. I know - a lot of...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2019

What NOT to say: "Why are you in bed most of the time?" Or "Why are you sick most of the time?" "Push Yourself." "It happens and it is normal." "You are so lazy." (The last two are "common" statements amongst women.)

Submitted on: Aug 12, 2019

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