HIV empowerment


It is 1 December, WORLD AIDS DAY, and this year's theme is "Global solidarity, resilient services". The world has known a rough year because of covid-19. And this has sometimes made us forget about...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2020

Awwwww shit. Here comes the uncomfortable feelings. The ones that come when I don't have a man by my side. I'm going to try to explain what I'm feeling, which is hard because I don't really believe...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2020

You know life can be so heart-wrenching difficult. In my most recent days I've had to look at life from a new lens.

Submitted on: Nov 16, 2020
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Although I am disheartened at the fact that I wasn't able to be present in Puerto Rico this year and surrounded by all you beautiful souls who work in the HIV/AIDS field doing advocacy or direct service work, I am extremely impressed with how the virtual USCHA 2020 conference turned out.

Submitted on: Oct 29, 2020

This week I 'hacked' the #hiv2020online instagram account for 24 hours. I decided to share my 18 years journey of living with HIV in 18 posts on their storyline.

Submitted on: Oct 20, 2020

My Fears, Loss, and Anxiety of Facing Two Pandemics and the Triggers Many of Us Have Been Facing From the Early Days of HIV and AIDS

Submitted on: Oct 19, 2020

It's been awhile since I've put my words together for you to read! Covid has really put a damper on things and stripped me of my desire to do anything.

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2020

Dear specialists of all my fabulous diseases, My life has been quite a rollercoaster the past weeks, so in this blog I would like to express myself and share what I have learned. The problem started 5...

Submitted on: Oct 5, 2020

I've lived with severe depression and anxiety for most of my life, so it's not at all anything new to me, but what I've been going through this past year seems so much stronger than anything I've ever...

Submitted on: Oct 5, 2020

I was making tacos last night (I make amazing tacos by the way), and I had the thought that I wished I was making them for someone else. Cooking for someone else. Almost simultaneously realized how lonely I am. It hurt my damn feelings.

Submitted on: Oct 1, 2020

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