HIV disclosure


I am a 59-year-old woman. Almost 8 months ago I received an HIV-positive diagnosis. Unexpected, surprising, incomprehensible, and unfair. With these four adjectives I can describe that first impact that the diagnosis generated in me.

Submitted on: Nov 9, 2022

As the days continue to get shorter and darker, accessing my resilience is the practice that reminds me I am whole, lovable, safe, and worthy of family, community, and connection. Living from the...

Submitted on: Nov 7, 2022

As we celebrate this very important Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, I think about how far we have come, but I also think about so many things that remain the same in our communities in the United States and Latin America.

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2022

I am the first deputy director for The Well Project and would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I identify as a Mexican mujer, immigrant, and a Southern California girl through and through. I am the mother of a 3-year old ray of sunshine, a loving and loved spouse, a sister, and an eldest daughter. I am also a lifelong survivor of HIV.

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2022

HIV/AIDS activist, advocate, mother, and wife born with HIV, Kimberly grew up unaware that she was living with HIV until a week before her 10th birthday. Both of her parents passed from AIDS...

Submitted on: Sep 17, 2022

On Sunday May 15th I had the absolute pleasure of being able to attend the first in-person AIDS Walk in New York City since Covid first began. I'm so glad it's back.

Submitted on: May 24, 2022
Michelle Anderson.

The Well Project interviews Michelle Anderson, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2022

Wonder Woman, don't let HIV stand in your way! Continue to live positively, like many of us are already doing for ages. WE are strong and Powerful. I am sending my love and positive vibes to you, wherever you are in this World.

Submitted on: Apr 15, 2022

I wanted to be an electrical engineer. Then, at 14 years old, I was told I am HIV positive. Many young girls and women do vividly remember how they were told about their HIV diagnosis. Perhaps this...

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2022

Para leer este blog en español, presione aquí. "I'm scared" I've lost count of the number of times I've heard that blunt phrase from people that I tell that I'm a seropositive woman. Hidden behind...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2022

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