HIV disclosure


Who am I? I am a 38 year old single and very independent lady from South Africa, Pretoria. I am my mother’s daughter, my brothers’ sister and my lovely nephew’s aunt. I have no child of my own and I...

Submitted on: Jan 5, 2012

This year 2011 has been my 10th World AIDS Day as one of the survivors of this wicked ugly disease. I went a long time undiagnosed, flying under the radar so to speak but this disease even then...

Submitted on: Dec 2, 2011

World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world. It has become one of the most recognised international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, commemorate those...

Submitted on: Nov 22, 2011

No peace! (As one of my sisters from 'A girl like me' would say…) whose responsibility is it to stop this virus from spreading? In recent years I have found that the burden lies solely with HIV+...

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2011

My name is Kat and I was diagnosed in March of 2010. For me, what should have been a joyous time, turned out to be the most horrific yet most humbling time of my life. I was pregnant with my twin...

Submitted on: Aug 23, 2011

I just read a blog about Ms. Plus America being HIV positive. I must say that I am so proud of her. For starters, I'm both plus size and HIV positive, so It's nice to read about more people like...

Submitted on: Aug 15, 2011

YES! Not everyone is an activist! And we must respect this...not all people are prepared to come out of their HIV closet because others want them too! They are not less than anyone..many of them are...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2011

Isn’t it weird how two words can have so many different connotations and contradictions when used to describe people and things? Let’s start with the word ‘Negative’- not a word that people like to be...

Submitted on: May 24, 2011

I like this space, for 1 reason. I don't have to be strong when I write here, I don't have to hide any shame or fear, I can bring down the walls I cave myself in, even if its just for a while. Right...

Submitted on: May 24, 2011

A few days ago I was trying to relax after a hectic day when my phone suddenly rang. I love phone calls so you can imagine how fast I rushed to answer it and when I saw the caller ID, I was even more...

Submitted on: May 17, 2011

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