HIV disclosure


Please view my video blog talking about " A Day with HIV in America" which occurred on Friday, September 21, as well as other recent updates in my life lately: A Day with HIV in America   My video...

Submitted on: Sep 24, 2012

Imagine if you will. You walk into a crowded restaurant. The buzz of conversation and laughter fill the air. The greeter asks you to share a table with a handsome stranger. You agree without...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2012

Michelle Anderson, Ms. Plus America 2011, is the first openly HIV-positive woman to ever run for, and win, a national pageant title. She currently resides in Dallas, Texas and is very active in her...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2012

I read a statement earlier this week that has stuck with me ever since. It said "Perhaps we as humans are like plants, the moment we cease to grow is the moment we begin to die."

Submitted on: Sep 7, 2012

My name is Connie L. Johnson. I am a daughter, a sister, a niece, and a friend who was diagnosed with AIDS in 2002.

Submitted on: Sep 5, 2012

My experience at AIDS 2012 allowed me to feel free and to feel accepted. For the first time, I could share my status openly. I was not in fear of rejection or judgment of any kind. There were over 20...

Submitted on: Sep 4, 2012

Sonya posted a new blog “ It is My Business” on A Girl Like Me's "Voices from our Allies" page: Did you ever stop to think that just maybe, your actions are affecting me? I know you say all the time...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2012

Did you ever stop to think that just maybe, your actions are affecting me? I know you say all the time "what I do is my business, I'm not hurting anyone", but the fact of the matter is that yes, you...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2012

NOTE from the Editor: The Well Project is thrilled to be working together with AIDS United as a part of their "Access2Care" initiative to share the stories of several HIV positive women, their...

Submitted on: Aug 8, 2012

NOTE from the Editor: The Well Project is thrilled to be working together with AIDS United as a part of their "Access2Care" initiative to share the stories of several HIV positive women, their...

Submitted on: Aug 7, 2012

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