HIV advocacy

Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

The Well Project: Building Hope and Leadership Among Women Living with HIV is the first in our WATCH! 2018 treatment advocacy webinar series.

Submitted on: Mar 12, 2018

They say God said "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine!" 2 Chronicles 20:15

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

A recharge. I have set things, people, friends, solidarity, women, and some of my sisters all in a space of chaos in my life. Fighting a fight others pretend is not here (mental health). It is here as...

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

Another year, another day that we live in this continuous fight on World AIDS Day. December 1 and the rest of the year, advocates around the country continue to make things happen. Many who paved the...

Submitted on: Dec 6, 2017

Why Language Matters; Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words is the third webinar in our WATCH! 2017 treatment advocacy webinar series!

Submitted on: Nov 7, 2017

Hello friends. What a life. I am without a lot of words as I begin to write. Still getting over being banned and overlooked by my mentor and peer navigators. I signed a paper in my medical directive...

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2017

I was on my way home to see my family in Lagos, Nigeria from the FCT Abuja. It was a fifteen to nineteen-hour drive from Abuja to Lagos and the vehicle which I boarded had to stop to top up fuel at a...

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2017

The aftermath and education... I made it through. I am Clean! Off these drugs taking my serenity from me. I notice as days turn to weeks just what my part in stigma is. I am disappointed I have...

Submitted on: Aug 11, 2017

Today July 24, 2017 is a historic day! What was hidden from us came to the light today! It was hidden for almost 10 years. We pretty much joined together and put pressure. This was demanded by us and...

Submitted on: Jul 25, 2017

How can you preach that you are a Christian and at the same time say that health is a privilege? How can you really not see health as a human right? So, the Poor that cannot pay for health care should...

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2017

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