HIV activist


As I think back on the joys, struggles, lessons, and triumphs of 2012 I can’t help but think about who and what I was ten short years ago. 2012 marked a decade of living positively with an AIDS...

Submitted on: Dec 31, 2012

Indian Law, like all other laws, strongly protect and safeguard our rights as an individual. To disclose or not to disclose solely lies on us. But given the Indian conservative and orthodox values...

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2012

I remember when I was first diagnosed. I was court ordered to go to rehab. It was either that or face jail time. I didn’t want to be there and just wanted to do my nine months, graduate and leave. I...

Submitted on: Dec 5, 2012

I am a Latina, HIV positive, a lesbian and a woman! 4 strikes against me ..but I am not out! Many know the struggles that we go through if we have any of these categories with stigma and...

Submitted on: Dec 4, 2012

This is my message to the whole world and what world AIDS day means to me. I also talk about some of the highlights and accomplishments of this year in regards to HIV/AIDS. Mi mensaje para el mundo...

Submitted on: Nov 29, 2012

Sonya posted a new blog Remove Your Mask on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page: ½ of my LIFE, I’ve lived behind a MASK…for a MAN. I hid my true self, true feelings & true sexual desires. I...

Submitted on: Nov 28, 2012

1/2 of my LIFE, I've lived behind a MASK…for a MAN. I hid my true self, true feelings & true sexual desires. I neglected my wants and gave into the desires of my flesh…For a Man! 1/2 of my LIFE, I've...

Submitted on: Nov 28, 2012

This month of November and this Year of 2012 is my 10 th Anniversary of being diagnosed HIV Positive. Back in 2002 when I was finally diagnosed, I never thought I would be living 10 years on? Just...

Submitted on: Nov 26, 2012

Do we truly understand the power of learning to listen with our hearts? Well recently the community has been opening up to me pertaining to HIV/AIDS Awareness, and it's truly amazing! I have been...

Submitted on: Nov 19, 2012

When I began speaking publicly about HIV/AIDS eight years ago, I thought that I was simply doing my part to educate and create awareness about a disease that had changed my life forever. I spoke at...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2012

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