HIV activist


Martha E. Lang is an educator, researcher, activist and long term survivor of HIV/AIDS. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Sociology. She has taught and spoken widely on issues related to HIV/AIDS including...

Submitted on: May 2, 2014

Sonya posted a new blog, I Made a Vow... on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies: Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I...

Submitted on: Apr 10, 2014

Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued...

Submitted on: Apr 8, 2014

I love writing my blog and truly enjoy the global aspect that it brings. It has helped me grow more comfortable and accepting of my status. Through this experience, I’ve been searching for a way to...

Submitted on: Mar 28, 2014

This April will be my 25th year anniversary living with HIV. The last 2 years of living with HIV have been the hardest for me and many do not know this. I don’t like to show or tell people when I feel...

Submitted on: Mar 20, 2014

"I've learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."- Madiba When I moved to Chicago a...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2014

As I sat with my wife, Lisa, and watched Dallas Buyers Club, I was like 'wow! what wonderful actors!' They really did a good job! And it was part of history. I lived through most of that in those...

Submitted on: Mar 7, 2014

This is me in one of the worst times of my life...a lost girl around 15 years old, a gang member, a thug! I hated myself! There are really no pics of my past. I am not a single particle of that girl...

Submitted on: Feb 24, 2014

‘Read all about it...’ plays on the radio ‘How old was she, the girl that sang that?' my daughter asks. ‘I’m not sure 23...24’ my reply was not about by Emieli Sande, but a beautiful, brave young...

Submitted on: Feb 20, 2014

Here is my bilingual video blog about the my HIV International Group and VIH Grupo Internacional on Facebook: International group for people infected and affected by HIV AIDS in English Grupo...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2014

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