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It's time to heal, to rediscover my voice, and to move forward with renewed energy and purpose. Here's to new beginnings and the power of community in lifting each other up.

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Changing our mindset to use the winter months as literal rest and mental hibernation gives us the emotional and physical strength to emerge as the HIV leaders ... we are in the New Spring.

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Y'all I'm out here living 2020 in 2023... While y'all was stuck at home, looking cute up top and only wearing ya underwears or jammies under the table I was out EVERYDAY going to work cause Covid what...

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Soy la primera subdirectora de The Well Project y me gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para presentarme. Me identifico como una mujer mexicana, inmigrante y una chica del sur de California desde la raíz. Soy madre de un amorcito de 3 años, esposa amorosa y amada, hermana e hija mayor. También soy sobreviviente de toda la vida del VIH.

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I am the first deputy director for The Well Project and would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I identify as a Mexican mujer, immigrant, and a Southern California girl through and through. I am the mother of a 3-year old ray of sunshine, a loving and loved spouse, a sister, and an eldest daughter. I am also a lifelong survivor of HIV.

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After putting it off for the last couple of years because of Covid and moving, and my anxiety around doctors and fearing bad news, I have finally begun catching up with my well appointments. I ALWAYS...

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I really don't know where to start! I know that I always, or most of the time, start with that same phrase. It's been extremely hard to deal with this pandemic, to see the suffering that I have witnessed, and live myself!!!

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On 18th January I decided to take RT PCR test for two reasons...

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Whilst we are nearing the end of a rainy summer, I would like to reflect on my summer time. It was actually very enjoyable no matter how I look at it! It started excellent by hearing news from my...

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Let me start by warning you that this will be a pretty long blog; we've got three weeks of misery to cover. First, I want to acknowledge that HIV can be a tricky virus. That's apparently the reason they haven't come up with a vaccine or a cure. BUT Covid, Covid took me on a very wild ride!

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