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This event aims to engage Black Communities in discussions about HIV, providing key insights into current HIV cure research. It empowers community members to enhance their understanding and actively participate in advocating for HIV cure-related research.

My lovely people, The talk of ending HIV and AIDS has been going for ages, are we really going to end HIV and AIDS by 2030? To answer this question, we must ask ourselves what actions do we take in...

The holidays seem like a blur to me. Festive, family, togetherness, and joy overload but then it ended just as quickly as it began. I think we should definitely extend the feeling, melodies, and good will throughout the year because...

Are you a woman/femme living with HIV who would like to receive a handmade card on Valentine's Day as part of our LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN program?

Are you a woman/femme living with HIV who would like to receive a handmade card on Valentine's Day as part of our LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN program?

I started my addiction to drugs when I was 14. I never had a problem with my family at home so that wasn't really a reason I started to use drugs. It was the opposite because my family was working...

A los catorce años empecé con una adicción a las drogas. En mi casa nunca tuve problemas con mi familia, así que eso no fue una razón por la cual yo empecé a usar drogas. Al contrario, mi familia fue...

The reality of us, in the realm of HIV/AIDS funding, is a disconcerting trend has emerged— a quiet exodus of funders who seem to be turning a blind eye to the critical issues faced by trans-led and Latinx groups from funders and projects.

Painting of woman's face by Bridgette Picou.

I saw a posting today calling for artists to work with scientists in collaboration to have art reflect the process of the science of HIV for a conference. It's a cool idea on several levels. It's only open to people...

HIV Science as Art is an exhibit that will highlight new and innovative science through art during the AIDS 2024 Conference in Munich, Germany.