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Today I got the call that I have been not wanting to receive. I have known that my father has Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Parkinson's since May of 2020. It's been hard to make decisions for the person who I have felt caused me so much hurt.

When searching for support groups, I found friends of all ethnicities. However, I didn't find many from my Asian community.

Hello friends. It's been a while ... many know last year was a pretty hard year for me and it's taken some time for me to resurface... Just so much going on in my mind and heart, but one thing...

Me siento realmente bendecida de haber llegado hasta este punto. El comienzo de este año fue uno muy difícil. Perdí unos amigos que espero ver en la luz cuando mi misión termine, pero estoy aquí para seguir mostrando, por ejemplo...

The Well Project is excited to co-sponsor this three-part series by our partners at SAGE to demystify the Older Americans Act (OAA) and empower activists to advance an OAA for all.

The Well Project is excited to co-sponsor this three-part series by our partners at SAGE to demystify the Older Americans Act (OAA) and empower activists to advance an OAA for all.

Travelling is always exciting until you remember what has to be done before leaving your home! My lovely people, in your life there are always moments you need to travel from your home, whether this is for family visits, holidays...

I hate traveling. I just simply hate being away from home and away from my dogs. I always love and am grateful for the opportunity and experience, but I'm an introvert and "homegirl" deep down. So virtual conferences are great...

I feel truly blessed to have made it this far. The start of this year was a very hard year. I lost some friends that I hope to see in the light when my mission is complete, but I am...

I feel truly blessed to have made it this far. The start of this year was a very hard year. I lost some friends that I hope to see in the light when my mission is complete, but I am...