A Girl Like Me

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A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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United States


At the age of 22, after being in a monogamous relationship, I was diagnosed with AIDS. Being a college student at Sam Houston State University, looking forward to pledging my favorite sorority, enjoying college life and obtaining a degree were...

I was invited by one of the Private Secondary Schools in Abuja to address mothers on issues concerning a girl child. For me I choose to make it an interactive session for those mothers in order for us to be...

Suffering in silence has serious consequences. The elephant in the room can no longer be hidden, and while society as a whole needs to reevaluate its solution to mental health, we see the stigma involved with Mental Health is exactly...

How can you preach that you are a Christian and at the same time say that health is a privilege? How can you really not see health as a human right? So, the Poor that cannot pay for health care...

As birthdays pass and Holiday comes. I can't help to have a heavy heart. I said good bye to my loved ones some time has passed. This steady breathing is filled with gasps. My dear child has left me. My...

Dignity, I gave away my dignity that's how I got here. I allowed myself to be treated less than I deserve and because of that I am here. Because of that I am alone. Because I realize I gave away...

Hello, my name is LaWanda Wilkerson. I have been HIV positive for three years this past April. The way I found out has changed my whole life and I am definitely not the same person I was three years ago...

For that ignorant woman who is positive according to her, who is not updated on stigmatizing language and wrote to Li about me… First of all, if you are going to write about me, write me! To read this blog...

Day 3 evening. Left friends, and meeting with David for a small task I said I would help with. Deal was to get dropped off and ride extra bike back home, meet FBI guy, and head out for a bit...

Day 2 evening. I spent the day in bed, slept till 7 pm. I did some small tasks during day but not much. Kayley, it's all about the self care. At 10 pm I went to get a burger and...