MariaHIVMejia's blog

Quiero agradecer a todos los que me han deseado un feliz cumpleaños! ¡Cada año es un milagro para mí!

I want to thank everyone that has wished me a happy bday! Every year is a miracle to me!

Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD), a very important day for us women living with the human condition of HIV.

Hoy es el Día Nacional de Concientización sobre el VIH/SIDA en las Mujeres y Niñas (NWGHAAD, en inglés), un día muy importante para nosotras, las mujeres viviendo con la condición humana del VIH.

Soy #MariaMejia. Estoy aquí como un ejemplo vivo de que el VIH / SIDA no es el fin! Estoy aquí para hacerle saber que podemos vivir con esta condición y aun así ser bella por dentro y por fuera!

My Fears, Loss, and Anxiety of Facing Two Pandemics and the Triggers Many of Us Have Been Facing From the Early Days of HIV and AIDS

It is crucial for Latinx people to feel comfortable speaking their language, which in many ways causes a barrier to communicate with their physicians, case managers, etc. I have worked with many who have fallen through the cracks of the healthcare system because they are afraid to ask important questions about their health and conditions. They feel ostracized and embarrassed because they do not speak English--especially in a time where we are targeted for being Latinx and people of color! I also believe all organizations and conferences should have a buddy system or interpreters because we all...

Mañana, 18 de abril, es el aniversario con mi batalla de 32 años con el VIH. Nunca pensé que llegaría a vivir tantos años con esta condición humana. Gracias a todos los que me han ayudado y me han enseñado en este viaje para ser un mejor ser humano. Quiero agradecer a mi madre, Tere Velasquez, por ser mi roca y por estar siempre ahí… incluso como un adolescente problemática y violenta que solo vivió y vio dolor y violencia, pero con su ejemplo y para mí personalmente, ¡Mi Dios y determinación para sobrevivir me mantienen de pie y luchando hasta el final! La clave de vivir con el VIH no es solo...

Tomorrow, April 18, marks my 32-year battle with #HIV! I never thought I would make it this far! Thank you to all that have helped me and taught me in this journey to be a better human being. I want to thank my mother, Tere Velasquez, for being my rock and for always being there even as a troubled and violent teen that saw nothing but pain and violence, but her example and for me personally, My God and determination to survive, has me still standing and fighting till the end!! The key to this is not only to survive, but to thrive and be adherent to your medication. I love Biktarvy and I am...

I guess I will go public about what is going on with me at this present moment. I hurt my back 19 years ago and couldn't walk for like 3 months. I was put on the worst medication: oxycodone. The doctor didn't explain it was like heroin!!! It helped with my pain and after the pain was gone I was still dependent. My body would go into withdrawls when I would try to stop it! They prescribed me 60 80 mgs of OxyContin and 120 30 mgs of oxycodone along the way. I started with 5 mgs so I got myself off the Oxy 80s and for the last three months I have been tapering off with the help of amazing doctors...