sonyamallard's blog

It's amazing to me how time waits for no one, and neither does HIV. After a good friend tested positive, I thought to myself … How? Why? I questioned myself as to what did I do wrong? I talked about the statistics daily, and I always reminded them that they couldn't take a chance on anybody… no matter how good they thought they looked. I posted heavily on FB, Instagram, and blogged religiously, and it still happened! The HIV Clearview Test showed a positive diagnosis for HIV and I sent off the confirmatory test the same day and waited as you would wait for a woman in labor to birth their child...

I realize that if I don't mention the word HIV...9 out of 10 times you won't either! I still don't see any billboards, commercials, or hear any radio announcements pertaining to the fact that it's a Pandemic. Oh, I'm sorry, let me correct that because to be politically correct, I should be saying an epidemic. Right? Just the thought of knowing that you think using protection is lame, and you keeping repeating the same old habits when you get busy...drives me insane. How can you love someone else more than you love yourself? How can you keep taking chances with your life...even though you are...

It's amazing how you can be going hard for your cause, and then all of a sudden you have to stop, regroup, and get refocused! That's exactly what just recently happened to me. Standing tall, strong, and determined… against all Stigma and against all odds. It just didn't matter to me if you wanted to talk about HIV/AIDS, hear about it, or be about were going to hear something that hopefully you would share in your travels. The reality is that people are not talking about it, nor are they wearing the "red ribbon". I remember a young lady asked me why I was wearing a red ribbon, and...

I just want you to know, we truly tried to keep that package from you by intercepting the gift of HIV with education, condoms, and testing. We thought if we kept the stats of transmission, and the rate of STIs in your face, and the sounds of protection echoed in your ears, along with the names of STDs, you would be more inclined to reach for that condom before you reached for that flesh. Understanding it is a choice, but adamant about continuing to scream bloody murder because there were still predators running rampant who wanted to intentionally devour your internal soul with HIV! It isn’t...

It bothers me so much that we are so gullible, and just want to believe what comes out of people's mouths. We would rather believe a lie than learn the truth. Here are 5 Myths about HIV/AIDS, and I really hope this can help somebody reading today. Myth No. 1: "I can get HIV by being around people who are HIV positive." The truth of the matter is that you are next to hundreds of people all day everyday whether it's inside of McDonalds, the movies, the park, out to dinner, or at an amusement park. The reality is that HIV is not spread through touch, tears, sweat, or saliva. You cannot catch HIV...

Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued with things besides her AIDS diagnosis. I pleaded with her that people said God was a just God, healer, a loving God, and most of all a forgiving God… "Let's give him a chance together." Lynette, just stared ahead as if off into a dream, she bellowed "Sonya, F&%^* you and F&%* God." I truly thought the ceiling was going to fall on our heads, and I held her hand, squeezing as if our lives depended...

Why is it so hard to understand that getting infected with HIV/AIDS is possible and can happen to you? Just because you saved and sanctified and running for your God doesn't exclude you….yes, you! You can remember when: You were sneaking and not listening to anybody, but only to the one who made you feel like you never felt before. You were so in love with the notion of being in love, you only wanted to be with them 24/7 and simply make love. The reality of being safe and being careful was clearly thrown out the window, because you didn't want to mess up the moment! Why is it so hard to...

I am so upset about the fact that my friend tested positive 2 months ago, and to date has not seen a doctor! Not to mention the health department leaving a note on their door stating it was urgent to please call a number…. It seems to me that all of this energy and encouragement to get people tested, we are somehow dropping the ball on the next step. How could this happen? Tell me why this is happening here in Florida and no one seems to be alarmed. Once you get tested and find out you are positive, that in itself does something to a person! I know you couldn't imagine the turmoil their heart...

So we meet again. I don't know if you remember me; I'm one of those people trying to fight you. I'm the one who tells your secrets, busts your myths, and makes all attempts at stopping you from spreading to another by teaching people all about you. I'm the one who tests at-risk youth, secretaries, deacons, and seniors, folks in the pretty house and manicured grass, drug addicts, prostitutes, preachers, teachers, lawyers, and all walks of life to go and get tested in order to know their status and catch you early! Immobilize you; startle you like you startled so many others who weren't...

Why am I getting myself all worked up, because you don't want to listen or take advice? Sometimes it really feels like I am talking until I turn blue in my face, and we all know that is something that cannot happen literally. However, I am finding that many are simply taking the HIV test as an afterthought, almost like almost like some people use pregnancy tests as a method of contraception. Praying at the time that the test doesn't come back positive and then going right back out there since their test came back non-reactive and sleeping with people without using protection all over again...