pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


In many ways, one of our greatest success stories in the fight against HIV/AIDS to date has been our ability to reduce dramatically the rate of new HIV infections being passed from mother to child.

Submitted on May 27, 2015

My name is Nancy Duncan. I'm 57 years young and I was born and raised and still live on Long Island, NY. My son Jason, now 35 has been my inspiration to survive living with HIV and an AIDS diagnosis...

Submitted on May 12, 2015

I was born with HIV. I am supposed to be pessimistic about everything in life. I'm supposed to graduate high school and barely make it to college, let alone graduate from college.

Submitted on Apr 13, 2015

No woman should lose her life on account of giving birth to a child. This I have been hearing lately. A colleague lost a sister to childbirth. I lost one of my community volunteers to the same issues...

Submitted on Apr 2, 2015

Maybe for a person like me I was too afraid to take a giant step. Today my whole being is suffering for this lack of qualification or degree. Lots of people believe you should not be given a job if...

Submitted on Mar 27, 2015

Who are WE? We are a Mother, daughter, friend, wife, aunt, sister different age and Nationalities. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day set aside to empower every woman worldwide who's living with HIV/AIDS.

Submitted on Mar 10, 2015

I am what they call a long term survivor. I have been living with HIV for 25+ years. I have more good days than bad days thank God. I can remember a time when all I had were bad days. I had a very low...

Submitted on Feb 20, 2015

HIV – Stigma and Discrimination / Love, Life, Laughter – HIV is a nothing if taken in a positive way, it is just another disease – the only fine line that separates it is IGNORANCE Being HIV Positive...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2015

I had the immense pleasure of attending and participating in PWN's First Annual Women's Conference in Fort Walton Beach, Florida in October compliments of The Well Project and A Girl Like Me. While...

Submitted on Jan 16, 2015

On this Day of Winter Solstice, The date is forever emblazoned in my heart. I had been living in my car for about 3 weeks, until it died. Then I spent a week at Motel 6 thanks to my son... Then 1...

Submitted on Dec 21, 2014


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