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How could anyone not believe in a higher power? I’m not saying believe what I believe, I’m just saying believe that something greater than ourselves is at work in this world!! I haven’t blogged in a...
I remember my first memory at the age of three, unlike some children that have wonderful memories of their childhood mine was a very traumatic one! I was molested by a family member at such a young...
I woke up today to the smell of my little girl's lavender scented hair and my son's chocolate milk breath and I felt at peace, I am happy, in the moment. Because HIV has taught me to live in the...
Hello Everyone, Another Birthday is here again. Some women don't like getting older. I embrace every wonderful year! I am 41 years old today. What a life I have lead. I can actually say it has been a...
I am trying something new. I am taking time for me. I have a family that needs me and a job that is very demanding. I am finding myself resenting all of them. I love my family, but I really needed a...