motivation, faith, forgiveness


Day 2 evening. I spent the day in bed, slept till 7 pm. I did some small tasks during day but not much.

Submitted on Jun 20, 2017

I have been me for forty six years. I have not always liked me, nor liked my actions; looking back I can see #mypassionrunsdeep.

Submitted on Jun 16, 2017

Undetectable! All organs and blood panel are perfect! So yeah! It was temporary insanity and stress that I brought on myself and external situations that are eating them! The medicine works but it is...

Submitted on Jun 8, 2017

Imnobody Who are you? Are you nobody too? I should introduce myself. I'm Imnobody. I'm not a famous person, I'm not rich, I don't have lots of influence. So Imnobody. Just like everyone else. When I...

Submitted on Jun 6, 2017

When I received the email stating I had received a full scholarship to attend the 25th Harm Reduction International Conference in Montreal, Canada, to say I was excited is an understatement.

Submitted on May 24, 2017

I'm a 54 year old single Mom and Grandmother. I am newly diagnosed April of 2016. I am a psychology student. I run a charity that helps runaways and young people - women aging out of foster care. I am...

Submitted on May 22, 2017

Everyone is ignoring the fact that HIV has consumed the bodies of so many of our friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, church members, and even some of our enemies.

Submitted on May 18, 2017

While many four letter words come to mind regarding yesterday's House vote to pass the American Health Care Act (labeled by some as an "act of monstrous cruelty"), the one we need to keep at the...

Submitted on May 5, 2017

As a young girl growing up, my life began with the "normalcy" of being sexually molested by my step-dad, waking to the sounds of seeing him beat my mom

Submitted on Apr 26, 2017

I am a wife and mother of six children, one who was born with HIV over 27 years ago, and have been living with HIV myself for over 30 years.

Submitted on Apr 24, 2017


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