HIV side effects, treatment


As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project will be sharing stories from their book "Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace" as...

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023

El primer relato es la historia de los eventos que me provocaron traumas antes de mi diagnóstico. Comienza en el ambiente en el que nací y cómo este generó las oportunidades para que me ocurrieran experiencias traumáticas a temprana edad.

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023

My lovely people, January is my favourite month. Not only because it is the beginning of a New year where we can start afresh, we also still have the whole year ahead to work on whatever we set our mind to.

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) conference was held in Tampa, FL in November of this year. The theme for 2022 was EQUITY, COMPASSION & SCIENCE - KEYS TO ENDING THE EPIDEMIC. Tampa was a controversial place to hold this meeting because of the political climate.

Submitted on Jan 5, 2023

I am a 59-year-old woman. Almost 8 months ago I received an HIV-positive diagnosis. Unexpected, surprising, incomprehensible, and unfair. With these four adjectives I can describe that first impact that the diagnosis generated in me.

Submitted on Nov 9, 2022

To read in English, click here. Soy una mujer de 59 años. Hace casi 8 meses recibí el diagnóstico de HIV positivo. Inesperado, sorpresivo, inentendible e injusto. Con estos cuatro adjetivos puedo...

Submitted on Nov 1, 2022

Following our trip to California, I continued mourning my life before HIV. In the midst of the daily funerals I would have for my "old self," I was still waiting, and in some ways hoping (praying) that this was not my reality.

Submitted on Oct 18, 2022

Five months back, I had taken an IMPULSE decision of relocating from my comfort zone of Nagpur to the hustle and bustle of the metropolis of BANGALORE. After all, I am a metropolis girl and Nagpur was...

Submitted on Oct 17, 2022

Soy la primera subdirectora de The Well Project y me gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para presentarme. Me identifico como una mujer mexicana, inmigrante y una chica del sur de California desde la raíz. Soy madre de un amorcito de 3 años, esposa amorosa y amada, hermana e hija mayor. También soy sobreviviente de toda la vida del VIH.

Submitted on Oct 12, 2022

I am the first deputy director for The Well Project and would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I identify as a Mexican mujer, immigrant, and a Southern California girl through and through. I am the mother of a 3-year old ray of sunshine, a loving and loved spouse, a sister, and an eldest daughter. I am also a lifelong survivor of HIV.

Submitted on Oct 12, 2022


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