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The reality of us, in the realm of HIV/AIDS funding, is a disconcerting trend has emerged— a quiet exodus of funders who seem to be turning a blind eye to the critical issues faced by trans-led and Latinx groups from funders and projects.
Have you ever had a dilemma where you had to choose between what is best for you as a person or for us a HIV community? Last week I had to make such a choice.
I recently had a deep dive regarding U=U with a writer from POZ Magazine and what it means to me as a Latina living with HIV.
Thanks to an invitation from Sensoa Belgium, I was happily part of Antwerp Pride and contribute to their campaign Is PrEP iets voor jou? (is PrEP something for you?).
I didn't want to write a harmful blog, but it's my duty. As the title says, the Republican Party is proposing an appropriation bill to cut significant HIV/AIDS funds.
HIV can teach us many things. Once you find out you have HIV, it will be a lifelong journey of medication. Along with medication, there are other ways we can live well with HIV. I talk to Bridgette...
I started Aunty Lou's Hour to: (a) support people living with HIV who feel lonely; and (b) do what I can to reduce stigma associated with HIV.
Hello, my name is Taj Gray and I am an African-American woman living with HIV. I hail from Chicago, Illinois, and I am a military brat. I've lived in California, Virginia, and I currently reside in...
I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend the Women as the Face of AIDS Summit hosted by Iris House again this year. It was the second in-person summit since the COVID pandemic began...
I've learned a sex conversation before sexual intimacy is so much more than my HIV status. If a man isn't open to STD testing and condoms in the initial phase of dating, they are in denial about sexual intimacy responsibility and not boyfriend material.