HIV diagnosis


My name is Nakeisa Jackson and I am 30 years old. At age 19, I was diagnosed with HIV.

Submitted on Mar 15, 2019

Cali Sunshine greetings! I generally go by Red and am just your slightly above average Cali girl. I love the beach, I skate and I make jewelry. Nursing chose me as a second career and I have been...

Submitted on Mar 7, 2019

I absolutely hate taking medicine. Especially this HIV shit. They told me at the beginning that I would have to take medicine everyday.

Submitted on Feb 20, 2019

I have made a few mistakes in my life. Who am I kidding? I have made MANY mistakes in my life. And I ain’t even been alive that long.

Submitted on Feb 5, 2019

I have been positive for two years now and public for one. See, I exposed my status on Facebook live and I went viral, literally.

Submitted on Feb 5, 2019

It is funny how one day you wake up and feel like everything has changed. You, the world around you, the people you know; everything. Looking out of the window to the door you once stepped out of...

Submitted on Dec 21, 2018

What happens when you receive an HIV positive diagnosis?

Submitted on Nov 21, 2018

¿Qué pasa cuando recibes un diagnóstico positivo de VIH?

Submitted on Nov 20, 2018

I'm a 44-year old single mom with, HIV, bipolar, and learning disabilities (ADHD and Dyslexia). I've started college for the first time. This is my journey in parenting, HIV, managing mental health...

Submitted on Nov 4, 2018

I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said this about confidence "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself I lived through the horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

Submitted on Oct 11, 2018


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