finding balance


Oh dear melanin melanated skin beautiful without and beautiful within they could never comprehend what it's like to be a man or wo/man hold on let me make this make sense they said we came from the...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2023

We all have that one thing in common. The person we were before diagnosis and now as a +Supergirl. There's that one experience that only we know how it feels. That first time we looked eye to eye with...

Submitted on Sep 7, 2023

I want to blog for A Girl Like Me because it is the most encouraging combined force of powerful women, people and allies, speaking out and showing solidarity.

Submitted on Sep 6, 2023

Diagnosed in 1987 in US Navy basic training at 22 years old, making me currently a 36 year survivor.

Submitted on Sep 5, 2023

At one point I really thought I wanted a road map for this life with HIV. Like, really, really wanted a road map. I wanted more than just "you're not going to die."

Submitted on Aug 24, 2023

Let me tell you how my HIV diagnosis led to me at New York Fashion Week. I attended my routine check-up as usual. I was triaged and after being placed in the exam room, my doctor asked to speak with...

Submitted on Aug 15, 2023

Maybe you do need to start again. I encourage you to keep trying because there is always a new day. A new moment. A new opportunity. Yes, there will be another time to try again or simply recreate a new path.

Submitted on Aug 14, 2023

I would like to be a part of A Girl Like Me to show the positive side of living with HIV. I would like to be the face of inspiration to help those who struggle with stigma daily.

Submitted on Aug 8, 2023

The last year and half has been so great to me in all aspects of my life and I think because I've felt so at peace for the first time since my diagnosis, I've gotten comfortable.

Submitted on Jul 31, 2023

Hello my lovely people. Some of us are always counting their age, forgetting to do the things that make them happy. Remember, there is no such thing as putting your life on hold, because we are all ageing, every day!

Submitted on Jul 28, 2023


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