

Got results today, not for bloods but from my annual cervical smear; all good, as usual. I dutifully go every year to follow recommended procedure because of my status. Staring at the familiar flowers on the ceiling at my local GUM clinic I have a kind of epiphany, "HIV is for life, not just for clinic visits".

Submitted on Oct 25, 2014

In my previous blogs I spoke a lot about what life was like being diagnosed with HIV. I spoke of the shame and guilt I felt along with the shame people placed upon me because of this disease. I hated my fate, I hated the man and I hated me. I stopped living, dreaming and hoping. It wasn't until I began to deal with the issues that impacted the life that led me to HIV that I began to live again.

Submitted on Oct 21, 2014

I took a seminar on the language we use when discussing HIV. It really made me stop and think about the words I use when describing myself and HIV. From the time I was diagnosed I have always hated to...

Submitted on Sep 29, 2014

Two days before I was to leave I became very anxious because I knew I would be around a lot of women who knew much more about activism than I did. Even though I had quit smoking I bought three packs...

Submitted on Sep 26, 2014

Jesus knows that I've gone through, made, and been forced to go through some changes. I don't mind change because life is full of them. It is overwhelming sometimes. The instability of life dictates most change.

Submitted on Sep 24, 2014

I told my son that I am HIV positive. It didn't go quite as I imagined. I had pictured him older and under different circumstances. But the opportunity presented itself and I followed through.

Submitted on Sep 3, 2014

It's been a while. Lots has happened! And I'm just about to embark on a 3 week working holiday road trip and then a stay at KPS Trebullom so thought it's time to catch up and share. It's all good in...

Submitted on Jul 22, 2014

As I was sitting by the pool watching my son and nephew splash and play I saw my phone light up, alerting me to a notice on Facebook. I opened the notice and read a message that had been posted on my...

Submitted on Jul 21, 2014

I have been giving a lot of thought to my reluctance to disclose my HIV positive status to anyone. I have been positive since 1996 and I would guess about ten people know my status. Initially I was...

Submitted on May 29, 2014

Recently in the last few months I have been visiting with medical professionals more than usual. In March I went in for serious pain to the OBGYN. I was supposed to have surgery last September, but it...

Submitted on May 28, 2014


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