

Sisterhood is a sacred experience I hold close to my heart, where we as women can lift not only ourselves but each other. Women are the heart of a family, sisters, mothers, aunts who dish out...

Submitted on Nov 4, 2016

In response to Walking the Thin Black Line of Violence in the Lives of HIV+ Women by Loren Jones, Board Member, Positive Women’s Network-USA I was thinking the same thing when I read about a Day of...

Submitted on Oct 26, 2016

Vivir con VIH es vivir diferente. Aunque muchos crean que uno puede llevar una vida "normal" estando en tratamiento.

Submitted on Oct 26, 2016

Thinking about my story. What really is my story? I grew up in Chicopee, Mass. I have my GED. I have a daughter, I buried a son, I was a dancer for 12 years, and have had my battles with self, life, love, etc.

Submitted on Sep 27, 2016

I want to encourage women to come out of the darkness like that I was in. To give hope to hopeless. I also want to be an international advocate/activist like Maria, Broadbent, Brenda to help fight for people living with HIV.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2016

Yesterday I posted to my Facebook page… "People try to shame me for living with HIV, FUCK I'M NOT THE ONE SPREADING IT. I am safer than all the other men and women you are with. Test, ladies, because...

Submitted on Aug 19, 2016

As I continue to learn myself, I continue to grow as an individual thus becoming more available as an advocate for HIV. I was picking and choosing the people I would be honest with and whom I would...

Submitted on Aug 10, 2016

My Name Is Sophie Jayawardene and this is my story.

Submitted on Aug 9, 2016

Today I want to write to those not living with HIV. I want you to know that we exist, that our diagnosis does not define us. We have the same dreams, the same desires, but for some reason our life became different.

Submitted on Aug 5, 2016

It's great to be here. I been thinking there is so much to share. Instead today I want to share what I have been chasing. And what I have been chasing is we all have the tools in us all as Positive...

Submitted on Aug 3, 2016


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