battling stigma


Recently I saw on the news a wonderful story of a family here in CO that had adopted several HIV+ children from Uganda and other countries. They had educated themselves about the illness and adopted...

Submitted on Dec 16, 2014

As the leaves started to change and my favorite season of the year began, I realized that it has been just a little over a year since I became executive director of The Well Project, which made me...

Submitted on Oct 29, 2014

Got results today, not for bloods but from my annual cervical smear; all good, as usual. I dutifully go every year to follow recommended procedure because of my status. Staring at the familiar flowers on the ceiling at my local GUM clinic I have a kind of epiphany, "HIV is for life, not just for clinic visits".

Submitted on Oct 25, 2014

In my previous blogs I spoke a lot about what life was like being diagnosed with HIV. I spoke of the shame and guilt I felt along with the shame people placed upon me because of this disease. I hated my fate, I hated the man and I hated me. I stopped living, dreaming and hoping. It wasn't until I began to deal with the issues that impacted the life that led me to HIV that I began to live again.

Submitted on Oct 21, 2014

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the PWN SPEAK UP! National Summit for Women Living with HIV with more than 200 other women. The days were filled with workshops, activities, empowerment sessions, and hope. Although much has changed in the past 30 years, and there are now women specific policies and guidelines, there is still more work to be done. Advocating for women's rights is a continued process.

Submitted on Oct 13, 2014

I took a seminar on the language we use when discussing HIV. It really made me stop and think about the words I use when describing myself and HIV. From the time I was diagnosed I have always hated to...

Submitted on Sep 29, 2014

Jesus knows that I've gone through, made, and been forced to go through some changes. I don't mind change because life is full of them. It is overwhelming sometimes. The instability of life dictates most change.

Submitted on Sep 24, 2014

In December of 2009...I was cold, hungry, living in my car. Rescued by AIDS Care Service on December 21, 2009, they safely housed me in one of their transitional apartments. I quickly realized I wasn...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2014

What an amazing opportunity I was given again by my baby The Well Project ( A Girl Like Me)! It was so wonderful to be able to share with 200 HIV positive women from all over the US. In the 25 years...

Submitted on Sep 22, 2014

So many things to think and say. So many triumphs, struggles, accomplishments, pain, acceptance & misconceptions. I have been in a room full of women with all these issues whether they be hetero, gay, trans, or questioning, we have the same issues.

Submitted on Sep 22, 2014


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