battling stigma


As far as my advocacy is concerned, I firmly believe there is no big I and little You. I recently attended the Desiree Alliance Conference in New Orleans, LA from July 10-14 although the conference officially ended on July 15.

Submitted on Jul 27, 2016

On July 20th, 2016, I had my first meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham's staff. This meeting was to request more funding, so we can end HIV/AIDS here in South Carolina and around the world. When I say...

Submitted on Jul 27, 2016

Life is a home work and I have a diary to prove it. Welcome to the Age of Diaries. The biggest talk at the AIDS Conference 2016 is working towards building young leaders. Building young leaders could...

Submitted on Jul 27, 2016

Hoy tengo ganas de escribir a quienes no viven con VIH.

Submitted on Jul 25, 2016

I am so excited to introduce myself to the community of A Girl Like Me. My name is Angel Stetson. I am 45 years old.

Submitted on Jul 12, 2016

Mother, O Mother Where is the nurture of the lioness? The protection like the mother bear? Where is the light in the darkness? The shade of the ancient tree? Mother, O Mother I am haunted by their...

Submitted on Jul 5, 2016

It has been ten months since I have been diagnosed HIV Positive. It has been a tough road and journey these ten months. Some of the struggles that I have faced so far are: telling family members and...

Submitted on Jun 28, 2016

My heartfelt condolences to Family and Friends affected by the tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Praying for comfort and peace.

Submitted on Jun 14, 2016

Es muy fácil escribir lo que he vivido, si sufrí, si lloré, si me levanté rápido o no. Es fácil contar lo experimentado. Pero cuando uno se vuelve activista deja el "yo" de lado, ya no soy "YO", somos...

Submitted on May 29, 2016

The Founding Fathers put into law the revolutionary idea that each person's desire to pursue happiness was not just self-indulgence, but a part of what drives ambition and creativity. Not only stating...

Submitted on May 23, 2016


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