aging and HIV


I grieve publicly because I am too old to do it alone. Then again It could be just me...

Submitted on Aug 16, 2016

¿Dónde empiezo? Es con mucho dolor que estoy escribiendo este blog...los recuerdos de mis amigos que murieron por complicaciones del SIDA me persiguen todo el tiempo.

Submitted on Mar 8, 2016

Where do I start? It is with much sorrow that I am writing this blog...the memories of my friends that passed from AIDS complications haunt me all the time. It is very hard to express how I feel … so...

Submitted on Feb 26, 2016

An ordinary woman, who has lived an extraordinary life. Now age 61.5... I am Humbled, Blessed and truly Grateful for All. My entire life, in retrospect has been one of uniqueness, never following the...

Submitted on Jan 27, 2016

This photograph was taken the summer of 1989. I had traveled from Florida to NY with my boyfriend for a mini vacation. As you can see, I was excited to have caught this little fish. We were in a small rowboat enjoying the warm day and I had no cares or concerns. Except that it had taken me a long time to reel that fish in.

Submitted on Apr 28, 2015

I was born in 1957 in a small Northern California town, farming country with a Mom and Dad, two brothers and a sister. I knew at an early age I wanted out of my small and wanted more for my life than just getting married and settling down.

Submitted on Apr 8, 2015

As we approach National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on March 10, 2015, my mind is taking a magical mystery journey... Start Date 1981, the beginning of what would be my 20 years as a...

Submitted on Mar 4, 2015

I was able to attend the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) in San Diego, held October 2-5, 2014. This conference had over 2,000 attendees, many of whom worked in the HIV community. The sessions...

Submitted on Oct 9, 2014

In December of 2009...I was cold, hungry, living in my car. Rescued by AIDS Care Service on December 21, 2009, they safely housed me in one of their transitional apartments. I quickly realized I wasn...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2014

Who will teach the nursing home staff that HIV infected elders are not terrible dirty people? Who will teach them, educate them and instill some compassion and kindness into them? How will we be...

Submitted on Jul 14, 2014


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