activism, advocacy


I knew I wanted to write something for World AIDS Day but I was actually stuck about what to write. Every year my job hosts an awards ceremony honoring people who have made strides locally to impact...

Submitted on Dec 5, 2011

This year 2011 has been my 10th World AIDS Day as one of the survivors of this wicked ugly disease. I went a long time undiagnosed, flying under the radar so to speak but this disease even then...

Submitted on Dec 2, 2011

I can not begin to express how excited I am that The Well Project is playing an intricate part in establishing a National AIDS Awareness Month! This thrills me to the core! While we currently have...

Submitted on Dec 1, 2011

World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world. It has become one of the most recognised international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, commemorate those...

Submitted on Nov 22, 2011

(Fear, Strength, Positive Thinking, Conversations with your specialist) WELL, my latest lab work showed that my ALT and AST levels are a little up! This has to do with my liver enzymes. When I...

Submitted on Oct 13, 2011

First I must apologize for taking so long to blog. Life has been a little crazy. I am now represented by a new gallery in the West End of London, in Nottinghill so there have been many trips back and...

Submitted on Oct 10, 2011

One sure thing this disease has taught me….take control of your own health. So that is exactly what I did. Between my two primary doctors which are my family physician and my “infectious disease...

Submitted on Sep 26, 2011

This article is cross-posted from's Resource Center on Starting HIV Treatment. I've been HIV positive for 20 years, 10 of them without any HIV meds; and for the last 10 years I have been...

Submitted on Aug 24, 2011

I just read a blog about Ms. Plus America being HIV positive. I must say that I am so proud of her. For starters, I'm both plus size and HIV positive, so It's nice to read about more people like...

Submitted on Aug 15, 2011

Whatever people say, however they say it….being HIV Positive is a Life Sentence….That is, if you are one of the lucky ones that is in receipt of HIV medication. I didn’t have much choice in the matter...

Submitted on Aug 3, 2011


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