activism, advocacy


There is a Facebook friend of mine who is a tattoo artist and hugely popular because of his high-profile clients. Out of the blue, I wanted to tattoo Lord Krishna on my arm and the emblem at the back...

Submitted on Apr 5, 2012

I want to say so many things to you -- maybe curse at you, maybe tell you how much you hurt my body, mind and soul. You have lived inside of me since I was 16 years old! You thought you were going to...

Submitted on Apr 5, 2012

9 months ago : We were at Mumbai's hotspot nightclub Rock Bottoms. Me and my close friend. Puffing on my "nth" cigerette that I have lost count of, I stared at her blankly while she screamed in...

Submitted on Mar 24, 2012

I'm proud of Maria Teresa! I love her passion and courage for educating people about HIV/AIDS. I read her blogs and hope someday to be able to come out as well. In the meantime I carry my secret like...

Submitted on Mar 19, 2012

My Story: Living with HIV Prologue: "I bloody hell want the divorce. I don't care whether you kill yourself or run away or even go to the court, but I won't leave you until I get the papers signed!!!"...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

Current global statistics state that an estimated 34 million people globally are living with human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. In the thirty years since the discovery of the...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

Tiffany posts a new blog in our “Voices from our Allies” section: “ The Headline Reads" The headline reads, "HIV Among Black Women 5 times Higher than Previously Thought" It was some of the biggest...

Submitted on Mar 14, 2012

The headline reads, "HIV Among Black Women 5 times Higher than Previously Thought" It was some of the biggest news in HIV last week. And I'm still not sure how to take it. Yay, I'm excited that I have...

Submitted on Mar 14, 2012

  Over the past couple years, The Well Project (TWP) has observed a transformation--one that is too big to ignore. Our web portal and online resources, originally designed and built in 2002 for a US...

Submitted on Mar 9, 2012

I just got back from my country Colombia and had a beautiful spiritual connection with mother nature...I disconnected from everything! This is so important for our health! Not only have I been really...

Submitted on Mar 5, 2012


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