activism, advocacy


I must admit in certain areas in my life I finally realized I was being a people pleaser. I never looked at it like that until I saw how it has affected me.

Submitted on Feb 29, 2024

The talk of ending HIV and AIDS has been going for ages, are we really going to end HIV and AIDS by 2030?

Submitted on Jan 31, 2024

As we enter into 2024, we are excited to share the 10 most viewed A Girl Like Me blogs of 2023. The countdown starts now!

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

La realidad para nosotros, en el ámbito de la financiación entorno al VIH/SIDA, es la desconcertante tendencia que ha surgido...

Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

The reality of us, in the realm of HIV/AIDS funding, is a disconcerting trend has emerged— a quiet exodus of funders who seem to be turning a blind eye to the critical issues faced by trans-led and Latinx groups from funders and projects.

Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

It doesn't have to be perfect to be just right. If not art, some hobby or venture that allows you to be in a moment that is not tied to HIV, or responsibility to anyone but yourself.

Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

Having navigated the challenges of living with HIV, I've experienced firsthand the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this virus.

Submitted on Dec 21, 2023

Hello my lovely people, Today we are celebrating World AIDS Day. Being part of the HIV community I try to contribute in as many ways as possible to fight HIV stigma and discrimination. So as HIV...

Submitted on Dec 8, 2023

My name is Nitanita. I’m California-born and raised, 55 years old, Black, single, and have two adult kids and two grandkids. I'm a professional currently working in field of behavioral/mental health...

Submitted on Nov 20, 2023

Living with HIV, my biggest fear isn't the virus itself; it's the fear of losing control over my own narrative.

Submitted on Nov 17, 2023


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