99.5% of the time I am alright. Maybe even forgetting my so called “situation”. 0.1% I meet everyday when I take my medication. The 0.4% happens in rare occasions like last week. I woke up with a rash all over my body. My mind was racing, automatically the rash = new medication = Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. I have met this fellar before as my cousin nearly died from it. I panicked, I worried and raced to the doctor who eventually diagnosed me with a food allergy (citrus allergy). That is the difference between me and a person living without a chronic illness. A small thing like a rash can strike the fear of death to me to someone else its just a rash – scratch it and get over it. Try as I might to forget, to pretend, the truth is I am Mano, I am HIV. Until you walk with the virus everyday you will never know the million things I worry about in silence. But yet still I rise everyday, with a smile on face and the courage to face another day.
I appreciate the strength of mind you have.....
rise...like the proverbial phoenix...:-)).....it shall be well...xx