Becoming HIV Positive really turned my life ‘Upside Down’ and really put things into perspective. Working out what was really important and rationalizing about things that happened and why they happen?
I have always believed that things ‘Happen for a reason’ and it’s become my sort of Mantra and something that gives me comfort when things aren’t going so well.
This happening to me was a wakeup call to get motivated as I had been drifting along not knowing quite where my life was going and my reason for being? I had always been creative and felt really comfortable when in creative mode and so many ideas…always so many ideas!!!
Also this happening to me changed the whole way I feel about myself and where I am now heading. I have a passion to create and through this creating I can express my inner feelings and also raise awareness that what has happened to me…can in fact happen to anybody!
I have become a face of this disease and I hope more people will step forward and stand beside me…not ashamed but proud of who they are and will talk up as this disease does not discriminate. It affects people of all genders, of all races, of all sexual orientations, of all ages…IT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE!!!
HIV has made me realize that ‘This is not a rehearsal’- I have to put as much as possible into life if I want to get as much out of it. I am Positive in status and in mind.
Every so often that little bit of negativity comes over me when things are going wrong and not feeling too good but I try to turn the negative into a positive and believe that there are potholes in the road and sometimes it’s a bumpy ride and then sometimes there’s a long smooth ride with beautiful inspiring scenery along the way.
Hello sorry to hear about your diagnosis and glad that you can be encouraged by my story...its a long journey that you are on and there are going to be good and bad days but you are sounding so positive (pardon the pun) already and keep being that way because keeping a positive frame of mind and outlook is going to be beneficial to you and to all of us on this long unpredictable journey. Lots of love Mandy