I hesitate to write, numb and joy are my feelings. The day started with fresh air, coffee and a walk at 630am.
Since, I have had three completely different conversations where we discussed Long term survivor's day and how thinking back affects our personal being at this moment. For me, I see faces of loved ones taken way too soon, yet I am blanketed with love and courage being in this space at #HINAC3.
My friends have different experiences then I. On many levels our stories are different, still our condition intersects us. We are thriving!
Numb with joy and sad with sorrow. I want to express my love to the families that never could get closure for lack of education and stigma attached to AIDS. The sons and daughters that have died alone or with strangers, if they were lucky to have anyone.
I grieve again a loss that comes in waves neverending for I wish they could see our progress: the science that proves we will all be long-term survivors one day. #aglm #thewellproject #ltsd #thrivingwithhivdiagnosis #goneneverforgotten #healthcare #support #fightlikeagirl #pwnusa