Community Advisory Board: Emerita Members

The dedicated members of The Well Project's community advisory board (CAB) provide insights from diverse communities and guidance on improving our programs. Those who step out of that role after years as fully engaged members of the CAB often become emerita CAB members, remaining involved with the group in various ways after their "official" time on the CAB has ended.

Emerita Member

Wanona (Nunu) Thomas has learned the power of turning her HIV diagnosis into a lifetime goal to reach, educate and encourage others about how to turn havoc into victories. 


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Corazón rojo brillante envuelto en un estetoscopio en la lectura de ECG.
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Obtenga información básica sobre enfermedades cardíacas – lo qué son, síntomas de un ataque al corazón, el VIH y las enfermedades cardíacas, cómo reducir sus factores de riesgo y más.

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