women HIV


Before I decided to post this video I was thrilled, yet hesitant. I am thrilled that I can be a part of A Girl Like Me and try to make a difference to someone somewhere. But then the thoughts of not...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2012

The 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC kicked off on the 22nd of July 2012 and I was one of the lucky few bloggers who was lucky enough to attend this wonderful conference (where...

Submitted on: Aug 1, 2012

I arrived in Washington, D.C. a few days ago for AIDS 2012. To summarize my experience in one word….Inspiring. The women I have met are some of the strongest, most courageous and inspiring women I...

Submitted on: Jul 25, 2012

Today is the second day of the International AIDS Conference (IAC) and I am thrilled to be here. I have already met some amazing people and am looking forward to the next four days. One thing that has...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2012

June 28 is a day I’ll never forget: the anniversary of my HIV diagnosis. It was 1988. I was only 19, and didn’t know a single other HIV-positive woman. Misinformation and fear dominated the public...

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2012

The International AIDS Conference (AIC) is less than 30 days away and I just wanted to write a quick update on what is going on. There will be some amazing speakers at the Conference: 42nd President...

Submitted on: Jun 26, 2012

Once you’ve made the decision to take medication, it is crucial to adhere to your prescribed regimen. I’m prescribed Truvada and Isentress. I take one of each in the morning and one more Isentress in...

Submitted on: Jun 25, 2012

Here are the links to the vlogs in Spanish and English English one: Spanish one: View Maria's letter to HIV. love and light, Maria

Submitted on: Jun 25, 2012

This month I'm celebrating a rather complex issue...round about this year I was diagnosed with HI Virus and little did I know that my life was about to change. I remember that day like it was...

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2012

“Am divorcing u, I can't live with u anymore” said my husband, whom I married in 2004 (when I was negative and got the virus thru medical negligence – Plz refer to my first blog “ Living with HIV”)...

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2012

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