women HIV


The Ohio AIDS Coalition recently sponsored the Ohio Conference on HIV/AIDS. The Ohio AIDS Coalition has a new Director, Patrick Beatty. I really feel that he is an amazing resource for Ohio, as he has...

Submitted on: Feb 9, 2015

I realize that if I don't mention the word HIV...9 out of 10 times you won't either! I still don't see any billboards, commercials, or hear any radio announcements pertaining to the fact that it's a...

Submitted on: Feb 3, 2015

I recently had the privilege of speaking for the Ohio State University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit. This was my first time speaking before a group of people (let alone, people who knew my HIV status)! I...

Submitted on: Jan 29, 2015

HIV – Stigma and Discrimination / Love, Life, Laughter – HIV is a nothing if taken in a positive way, it is just another disease – the only fine line that separates it is IGNORANCE Being HIV Positive...

Submitted on: Jan 23, 2015

I had the immense pleasure of attending and participating in PWN's First Annual Women's Conference in Fort Walton Beach, Florida in October compliments of The Well Project and A Girl Like Me. While...

Submitted on: Jan 16, 2015
Sonia Rastogi standing in front of screen.

The Well Project interviews Sonia Rastogi, Community Board Member and Special Project’s Manager with the Women’s Protection and Empowerment Unit at International Rescue Committee in New York, NY.

Submitted on: Jan 14, 2015

On this Day of Winter Solstice, The date is forever emblazoned in my heart. I had been living in my car for about 3 weeks, until it died. Then I spent a week at Motel 6 thanks to my son... Then 1...

Submitted on: Dec 21, 2014

This year has been very busy for me. Lots of "ups" and a few very lows, especially learning of the murder of my stepson! His loss reminded me that I should never ever take one second for granted...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2014

What does it mean to Love Yourself? I used to ask myself this question. I would look into the mirror and still could not figure out how to really love myself. When you're filled with so much anger and...

Submitted on: Nov 25, 2014

As many of you know, earlier this year, we re-launched our website in an effort to ensure that it remains a leading resource of HIV information and community support for women and girls from all over the world. In addition to a clean new design with increased graphics, the new site features an easier navigation/search system, integrates the A Girl Like Me blog, and includes many new social media functions to help users connect with one another and exchange information.

Submitted on: Nov 23, 2014

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