treatment advocacy


Why we cannot forget? I remember when I was first diagnosed with HIV I learned about being undetectable. I was so excited about the word in itself. It meant I almost didn’t have it. I had also read...

Submitted on: May 2, 2019

AIDSWatch 2019 was my first AIDSWatch and let me start by saying I felt so honored to be presented the opportunity and able to share space with some very respectable and important people.

Submitted on: Apr 18, 2019

It was pretty cold in Washington, but I knew I would see my brothers and sisters in the fight again and as usual I felt I was with my family!

Submitted on: Apr 17, 2019

I recently came across this news for an upcoming book launch: It has been over 30 years since the onset of the global AIDS epidemic and advances in biomedical research have led to the discovery of...

Submitted on: Apr 1, 2019
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As I sat at my computer this morning and logged onto Twitter, I realized that today is the National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18th). This made me smile, as it confirms that treatment...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2018

My first meeting of any type to meet a candidate. I was able to ask Aaron Ford about his knowledge on the current HIV laws here in Nevada. He said he didn't know anything. I think this is an important...

Submitted on: Aug 28, 2018
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While attending a session on HIV and healthy aging at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, one woman spoke passionately about the need for increased visibility of older people living with HIV.

Submitted on: Aug 22, 2018

I remember being in the seventh grade living on Cape Cod in the early 80's, and the fear of AIDS that gripped society at the time. Stigma was a monster in those days, greater than the Boogeyman under...

Submitted on: Aug 9, 2018

Where do I start? AIDSWatch, as many know, is a very important conference where us activists gather and advocate for our states.

Submitted on: Apr 26, 2018

It was not until the ADAP conference that I realized how important support is when getting adjusted to living with HIV. When I was newly diagnosed with HIV, having support played a huge role in my...

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2017

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