I am a 56 year old woman. I've raised two daughters mostly on my own. I teach Art at a local high school. My status is a secret as I'm certain the school district would find a way to release me from...

Submitted on: Jul 1, 2010

I acquired HIV in 1985 from my fiancé who use to shoot dope as a teen in New York. What a gift he gave me. I spent the next few years in a drunken, coked out haze of parties and hangovers. I made a...

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2010

Hello, I am a 50 year old woman from the Midwest & HIV positive. I am not sure how long...several doctors did not check me because I did not know "how to ask". I was sexually active and showed...

Submitted on: Apr 20, 2010

Well today at 13:07 (1:07 pm), I took a home pregnancy test and the result was positive. For five years I thought I had this condom thing perfected. I am scared, shocked and all the other words that...

Submitted on: Apr 6, 2010

I'm the first to admit that I don't know much about the Health Care Reform Bill. But I am also the first to shout that we need a change in the U.S. health care system. To live in such a rich and...

Submitted on: Mar 22, 2010

On March 10 th, those of us in the USA will observe National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. As a women living with AIDS, I experience a variety of emotions around “awareness days” like this...

Submitted on: Mar 8, 2010

I’ve fought depression for nearly 15 years and HIV for only 3. Over the past 15 years, I have consistently taken my prescription anti-depressant medications. But after being diagnosed with HIV 3 years...

Submitted on: Mar 1, 2010

After my family doctor confirmed my pregnancy, he referred me to an OB/GYN. My husband and I were so excited. A mere three months after being married, we were pregnant! I went to my first OB/GYN...

Submitted on: Feb 15, 2010

It shakes me to the core when I think about death. I never used to be afraid before. I question myself what am I really afraid of. I'm not sure what I am afraid of. Is it death or is it the suffering...

Submitted on: Feb 15, 2010

Every day I worry about people finding out that I am HIV+. People can say, "If they are truly your friends it won’t matter". It matters to me. I don’t want people treating me differently. I don’t want...

Submitted on: Feb 4, 2010

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