As I watched all of my work brothers and sisters meet at USCA 2019, I couldn't help but be in awe of the comradery. It was beautiful. For the first time I saw soooo many women of color and youth...

Submitted on: Sep 12, 2019
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I'm sitting on the plane to fly home from my second USCA experience, and what an experience it was. Last year was my first and I remember it to be a much more overwhelming experience. It was so big...

Submitted on: Sep 10, 2019

Think about a world where everyone is positive. I mean you can only imagine right? Lately I've been just to myself not really going out and hanging out and wanting to be around others - well maybe a...

Submitted on: Sep 10, 2019

I've always been one to believe everything happens for a reason. And I do believe, if not anything, God put HIV in my life because he knows I can reach others.

Submitted on: Sep 4, 2019

A quick recap to catch those of you up who do not know my story. I diagnosed positive for HIV in 1996. I was 21 and began dating the man who became my husband when I was 19. That is not why I was on...

Submitted on: Sep 4, 2019

Never would I ever think that I would be the one telling the story from this side. But they told us never to say never anyways, so I guess that is where I first went wrong. The second misstep happened...

Submitted on: Aug 29, 2019

Hello guys. I know it's been a while, but I been in complete meditation on blogging.

Submitted on: Aug 28, 2019

Dear Healthcare Provider, I know my HIV medication is keeping me alive. I know how important it is. I know it's working against my virus and keeping me from getting sick. But like most people I had to...

Submitted on: Aug 26, 2019

I am NOT trying to offend anyone as you all know I got bigger fish to fry!

Submitted on: Aug 21, 2019

I often relate the taking of a pill daily to reliving the trauma of, say, a horrific event, being in court telling your story of the rape, killing someone while drinking and driving, losing a child...

Submitted on: Aug 19, 2019

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