HIV in the workplace

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I understand mental health is a big issue in today's society, but what happens when the mental health of the provider is at stake here. What should we do?

Submitted on: May 29, 2024
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Becoming a nurse taught me how to live with HIV.

Submitted on: May 8, 2024

Living with HIV, my biggest fear isn't the virus itself; it's the fear of losing control over my own narrative.

Submitted on: Nov 17, 2023

Love has a curious way of defying our expectations and leading us down uncharted paths. My journey with Maximo is a testament to this unpredictability, a story of love, acceptance, and personal growth that challenged my beliefs and ultimately enriched my life.

Submitted on: Nov 13, 2023

I started Aunty Lou's Hour to: (a) support people living with HIV who feel lonely; and (b) do what I can to reduce stigma associated with HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 12, 2023

I have a least favorite question when it comes to HIV. It annoys me. It didn't always, but over time due to folks' reactions and overheard statements, it gets on my damn nerves. "May I ask you...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2021

During this current public health crisis, I find myself annoyed at how much I'm hearing people speak about the stigma that is being placed on those who may test positive for COVID19. I feel like...

Submitted on: Mar 30, 2020

Fighting the darkness within is a daily challenge, but to stop fighting is death.

Submitted on: Dec 5, 2019

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) is a nursing organization that formed in 1987 to focus on educating and supporting nurses who work in HIV care, research, prevention, and policy. ANAC is...

Submitted on: Nov 24, 2019

My grandson ran in his first Spartan race on Sunday, and as my eyes followed him, I thought how amazing this was that this could be a metaphor for all the challenges that so many of us have before we realize that we are all so unique

Submitted on: Jul 26, 2019

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