HIV treatment


I’m incredibly fortunate that I have not had many barriers in access to treatment for my HIV. I have great insurance, the ability to pay for my medications (through my co-pay) and even a Health...

Submitted on: Aug 3, 2012

Before I decided to post this video I was thrilled, yet hesitant. I am thrilled that I can be a part of A Girl Like Me and try to make a difference to someone somewhere. But then the thoughts of not...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2012

Today is the second day of the International AIDS Conference (IAC) and I am thrilled to be here. I have already met some amazing people and am looking forward to the next four days. One thing that has...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2012

June 28 is a day I’ll never forget: the anniversary of my HIV diagnosis. It was 1988. I was only 19, and didn’t know a single other HIV-positive woman. Misinformation and fear dominated the public...

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2012

Once you’ve made the decision to take medication, it is crucial to adhere to your prescribed regimen. I’m prescribed Truvada and Isentress. I take one of each in the morning and one more Isentress in...

Submitted on: Jun 25, 2012

When I was first put on the HIV drug combo stamvudine (d4t, Zerit) + lamivudine (3TC, Epivir) + nevirapine (Viramune), I had an initial fear of how it would react on my body. Will one of my organs...

Submitted on: May 21, 2012

Today I step into my third and final semester of pregnancy. Each time my baby kicks me it brings me immense joy and closer to understanding what it meant when all you sisters mentioned the joy and...

Submitted on: May 3, 2012

It's amazing to me that I am still here after all these years of being HIV+ when in the beginning of HIV/AIDS coming out it was considered a death sentence. It's amazing to me that as I sit and fill...

Submitted on: Apr 24, 2012

My name is Angela Krebs and I have been HIV+ for almost 21 years. I am 37, married and have 2 children that were planned and are negative. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I was searching for...

Submitted on: Mar 20, 2012

Please see my video blog about what alternative treatments I did for the first 10 years without HIV medicine, and what I have been doing for the past 11 years--combining alternative treatment and HIV...

Submitted on: Dec 14, 2011

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