HIV stigma


Sometimes I feel trapped; trapped in my career, my marriage and even my body.   My career: I discovered my positive status while I was at work, so everyone knows. By everyone, I mean the other two...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2010

In all honesty, I’ve not experienced much discrimination based upon my HIV status. That’s primarily because I don’t disclose to very many people. When I was diagnosed, my co-workers found out because...

Submitted on: Sep 3, 2010

I lost a friend last week; someone, like me, who battled HIV and other illnesses for a very long time. He was an amazing person who was there when you needed him. He never complained of his own...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2010

I have been thinking back to when I was diagnosed, almost 19 years ago. I have fooled most people. They look at me and see just another 40 year old. An average healthy adult with kids, bills, a job...

Submitted on: Aug 17, 2010

Sometimes, I feel like I’m living a lie. I live my “picture-perfect” life with my house in the suburbs, husband, child and career. Meanwhile, I’m fighting an inner battle, an even bigger battle than...

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2010

We had yet another birthday party in the office. Once again, I was assigned plates, napkins and forks. I really do believe that my coworkers are afraid of the fact that I have HIV and do not want to...

Submitted on: Feb 1, 2010

A month into my marriage I discovered that I was 10 weeks pregnant and HIV positive. My husband of one month tested negative. I was shattered. Why me? I have always been a good girl. The doctor tried...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2010

In a perfect world it wouldn’t matter if I was HIV+. As you all know, this isn’t a perfect world. I came to realize this better the weeks following my diagnosis. I told my family. They are my family...

Submitted on: Jan 25, 2010

I’m the person who thought I would kick the bucket from addiction in that crack house, where I lived and died on a daily basis, seven years ago. I’m the person who had a good job but couldn’t get to...

Submitted on: Jan 19, 2010

I don’t know how other girls like me react to stigma and injustices we suffer because of our statuses. I usually beat myself up. Sometimes, depending on the source of the stigma, I’d loathe myself. But a recent incident opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of reaction. If I am responsible and suffer the consequences of my own actions, why then don’t I let other people do the same? The stigma might be directed to me, buts it’s not about me. It’s about the other person’s ignorance and misinformation, so then why must I punish myself because they are ignorant? It does not make sense at all.

Submitted on: Jan 14, 2010

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