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Where did all my friends go?

Submitted on Feb 22, 2011 by  celina5000

So, after watching a couple of TV programs that featured some aspect of HIV/AIDS, I decided I didn't want to write about any of them.  The theme is the same.  People still react to AIDS today as they did 30 years ago.  I'm sure your mouths are gaping in shock to hear this.  There was a pogram called:  WHAT WOULD YOU DO?.  The producers set up a diner with servers, customers and one poor fellow with HIV.  Somehow word gets out in the diner that the young man has HIV.  The person sitting next to him stood up and changed seats.  Another customer, a female, refused to use the menu he had used.  This happened in Philadelphia some time in the past year.  Also, another recent event takes form of a study which showed that 1/3 of the U.S.(?) population still thinks you can contract HIV by sharing a glass.  Finally, HIV found its way in the movie PRECIOUS (which many of you may have seen).  The film is a true story about a girl's life in Harlem, where she is abused by her mother and raped by her father who gets her pregnant, twice, and at the end of the movie we learn that he has also infected her with HIV.  Well, the only news here so far, is, there is no news. 
So, I put the radio on.  I can't remember the title of the song or who sang it, but my whole mind, body and soul remembered how it felt when I used to hear it all the time;  a very long time ago.  I just sat and let the music pull my heart strings back to a simpler time where I had no idea I'd be where I am today.  I went back to a time when I had lots of friends and we would just hang out, sit and smoke our cigarettes, dance in the living room; peeking out the window to see if any of the cute guys we knew would be strolling by.  A time where the future was simply going to happen; high school grad;  a job somewhere and we used to laugh a lot... how did it all end up this way?  With no music to listen to, no favorite songs to share, no reminiscing and a future...
Is anyone else wondering where their friends have gone?

Submitted by A Girl Like You

I am Positive and no, I do not wonder where my friends are. They are awesome and supporting! I will say, the only friend that upset me was the one who told people about my status for her benefit! Telling people that I was HIV + gave her attention as the loving and supportive friend...needless to say, we do not hang out often, not anymore. (my choice)

The most important thing, is that I like me. I like who I am and my friends like to be around me because of my personality!

Submitted by A Girl Like You

Well Celina same thing happened to me, I had such a great life and a beautiful future ahead of me, went to Tech had plenty of friends whom I always invited to my house, went out together, basicaly most of them couldn't go anywhere without me, as I was the street smartest, they would call me, my mother would welcome them as her own daughters even if am not around at home, they all wished they had such a great free spirited mother like mine, hence when she passed away none of them attended her funeral, I also started getting ill, had a skin challenge, none of them i guess wouldn't want to be caught seen with a monster, because they would always go out together without inviting me, I could say they turned their back on me when I needed them most. That has been such an experience and a good lesson to me, it made me more wiser and stronger and careful with whom people i associate myself with. It is sad because i wish there were there for me when i needed them, as i have always been. And yes now I have regained my confidence and I still do have a good friend, she is amazing just our jobs are so demanding both don't meet that much, and the lifestyle she lives sometimes we don't see eye to eye. I am in desparate need of friends, I love hanging around people.

Submitted by celina5000

Dear Refilwe, I'm saddened to hear your story. But it is in times of crisis that we learn just who our friends really are. I can assure you though, that you will make other friends, friends who are truer and finer. You'll find people who are WORTHY of your friendship.

In the meantime , reviewing our lives can be painful but fruitful in planning our future. Thinking of you, sending happy thoughts, peace and love, Celina

Submitted by jae001

You will know who your "real" friends are by who is still around. Singing the songs, dancing in the living room and calling you to hang out. If not get up and find yourself some new friends.
Good Luck


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