HIV relationships


It's the beginning of fall now, the temperatures are beginning to get chilly and leaves are starting to change their hue. It's a season of change when we bid farewell to summer and all the good times...

Submitted on: Oct 14, 2021

It's been almost four years since I contracted HIV. In the back of my mind I've always held onto a little piece of hope. Hope that the man who gave it to me would one day apologize. One day we would...

Submitted on: Sep 29, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be transgender? Living with HIV? In the rural South? Each of these issues alone can be challenging. Together, they are my reality—and it's crucial for...

Submitted on: Sep 29, 2021

This month marks my 9th year of living with HIV. Wow. Wait, this month marks my 9th year of living with HIV? I had to write it again because who would ever have thought I'd be here? The wild part is...

Submitted on: Sep 13, 2021

It's been said to me this past weekend, "You got your karma when you got HIV, and now you have to live with the consequences by taking a pill each day to make sure your son has at least one of his parents."

Submitted on: Aug 18, 2021

I filled out a questionnaire today. It was about wise words that I would offer to someone newly diagnosed with HIV. It's interesting to me to see how my perspective has changed over the years and how it's stayed the same.

Submitted on: Jul 29, 2021

I've had this virus nearly 11 years now and not long after diagnosis, I made it public. I'm sure a lot of those reading can relate and understand my frustration.

Submitted on: May 30, 2021

For a whole bunch of reasons no one but me cares about, I've been doing some research and compartmentalizing in my life.

Submitted on: Apr 22, 2021

Hello my lovely people. It is always great to have something to keep you positively busy during these strange Covid times. So I am very excited to share a new initiative called stories of hope with...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2021

Given that we are in February, which is not only Black History month but also the month of LOVE, I felt compelled to share this message with y'all.

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2021

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