HIV relationships


Reading the article on PrEP ( Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis) on The Well Project website, it made me think of a situation I had the other day. For those of you that don’t already know, I am in Nursing...

Submitted on: Oct 19, 2012

Let’s admit it…I have had my bad days MORE than my good days. Days when I feel down, I feel blue, I feel weepy and burst into tears. I love life so much and live each and every moment, every second of...

Submitted on: Oct 15, 2012

My marriage is falling apart. I’m not going to deny it any longer. Not only must I consider all of the typical issues when contemplating divorce (like where will I live, how will I pay for everything...

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2012

One of the hottest topics of discussion at AIDS 2012 was that of HIV criminalization, both in the U.S. and internationally. Throughout the conference, there were multiple sessions, panels, and...

Submitted on: Sep 27, 2012

Imagine if you will. You walk into a crowded restaurant. The buzz of conversation and laughter fill the air. The greeter asks you to share a table with a handsome stranger. You agree without...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2012

My only requirement would be UNCONDITIONAL love, that is so hard to find nowadays. I see lot of marriage and relationship breaking due to the lack of such love. When one loves a person...

Submitted on: Sep 7, 2012

I'd like to believe that I am a strong young woman who's just simply trying to live her life the best way possible....yes, I encounter challenges on a daily basis but that does not keep me down. It's...

Submitted on: Aug 14, 2012

Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV/ have someone who loves you for you and can see past the illness, that is if they are negative..I am very blessed...

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2011

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