HIV prevention


Hi! My name is Cynthia Diaz and I'm sharing my story because I want others to know that having HIV is not a death sentence. With treatment, you can live a long life. It's important for people to get tested for HIV early on so they can get treated right away.

Submitted on: Feb 13, 2023

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project will be sharing stories from their book "Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace" as...

Submitted on: Jan 30, 2023

To celebrate World Aids Day 2022, Inyambo Stars together with RBP+ (an association of People living with HIV) organized the "Stop HIV stigma show" in the commune of Gihanga on the 3rd of December. I was very privileged to support them to organise this show for the third time.

Submitted on: Dec 7, 2022

Growing up there were no stories about the birds and the bees, periods or HIV. These conversations were never had with my parents and so the cycle continued. This is a common theme among families of...

Submitted on: Nov 11, 2022

I was honoured to be selected by IAS to participate at the 24th International AIDS Conference. AIDS2022 took in place in Montreal between 27 July and 2 August.

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2022

This blog was not easy to write… Yes, HIV took my motherhood… Back in those times when I was diagnosed, we had no medicine. At least, I didn't have any access to treatment in Colombia, my country...

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2022

Tip: Can't nobody take your voice. It's yours. I mean, people always have the choice of ignoring you. But that doesn't mean shut up.

Submitted on: Jun 23, 2022

Wonder Woman, don't let HIV stand in your way! Continue to live positively, like many of us are already doing for ages. WE are strong and Powerful. I am sending my love and positive vibes to you, wherever you are in this World.

Submitted on: Apr 15, 2022
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Have you ever heard a doctor, advocate or friend say "you probably know someone living with HIV and you just don't know it"? People hiding in plain sight. I've said that to people. It's a way to get...

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2022

Are you stupid? Or are you dumb? What in the hell would possess you to breastfeed a new, precious, innocent life? Do you hate her or something?

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2022

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