HIV prevention


Sometime ago a young man was sent to see me in my office. I meet with him, he was looking so depressed and frustrated I asked how I may help him. He then told me that he suspects that he is infected...

Submitted on: Jun 25, 2015

My name is Kelly Gluckman, I'm 28 years old and born and raised in the suburbs right outside of Los Angeles California. I come from a very middle class family, and I was raised with what people think...

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2015

In many ways, one of our greatest success stories in the fight against HIV/AIDS to date has been our ability to reduce dramatically the rate of new HIV infections being passed from mother to child.

Submitted on: May 27, 2015

Who are WE? We are a Mother, daughter, friend, wife, aunt, sister different age and Nationalities. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day set aside to empower every woman worldwide who's living with HIV/AIDS.

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2015

Many that know me through social media know that I guide and try to answer all the questions that come to me…I get thousands a month and with all the travel and work I do I can’t keep up sometimes...

Submitted on: Mar 5, 2015
Many people sitting and standing at conference, with multiple screens hanging from ceiling.

The annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) was held in Seattle, Washington from February 23 through February 26, 2015.

Submitted on: Mar 5, 2015

Well, where do I start? First of all, I am super proud in the wonderful opportunity I was given to be The Well Project's Global Ambassador. I continue to be on their CAB and of course my first love...

Submitted on: Feb 28, 2015

It is with great honor that I accepted to be one of the ambassadors for NWGHAAD. As a Global Ambassador for The Well Project, I was the perfect fit. The Well Project is a fountain of information and...

Submitted on: Feb 14, 2015

I realize that if I don't mention the word HIV...9 out of 10 times you won't either! I still don't see any billboards, commercials, or hear any radio announcements pertaining to the fact that it's a...

Submitted on: Feb 3, 2015

There is a great emphasis to educate people living with HIV in India, in terms of not only knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS but also to understand their medicines, read laboratory results, how to better...

Submitted on: Nov 20, 2014

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